INTEGRATED DESIGN - Facility Renovation - Melzo (Milan) -1994

Floor area 13.400 m2

Customer: EUROMERCI S.r.l.



INTEGRATED DESIGN - Camacari (Brazil) -1996

Offices and tecnological buildings for polypropylene plant-

Floor area: 15.000 m2

Customer: Tecnimont S.p.A.



INTEGRATED DESIGN - Yanbu (Saudi Arabia) - 1996

Offices and tecnological buildings for PTA plant

Floor area: 17.500 m2

Customer: Tecnimont S.p.A.



INTEGRATED DESIGN - Bahrain - 1997

Power Plant: control and administrative building

Customer: ABB SAE SADELMI S.p.A.



INTEGRATED DESIGN - Industrial building enlargement - Melzo - 1998

Floor area: 7.000 m2

Customer: BIRKART



INTEGRATED DESIGN - Industrial building - Peschiera Borromeo - 1998

Customer: Gruppo Basso (Treviso)


INTEGRATED DESIGN - Industrial building enlargement - Milan - 2000

Customer: Isologistica



ENGINEERING - Technological refurbishment - Cologno (Milan) - 1995

Customer: Edilperiodici S.r.l.